My case of study video
I would like to start this entry telling you that it was so much fun to produce it. Kids loved it and they were not intimidated by the camera. Since Gerardo is not that perceptive as Mariel, he just wanted to run and do the crafts or directions I requested.
I prepared my cameras and the people that was going to be with me in the filming process. I'd like to say that I first, gather the material I was going to use. I just used the materials from the chapters we have been reading. I also look up for some information in the Internet, in the video I provide you the site I consulted to.
I read thousands of time those parts that I was going to use in the video, and also some of the test that experts did, as the Planfulness of Attention study, in the Attention section.
Besides, my own preparation I also asked my sister in law if she agreed to have her children in an activity about my teaching practice, and she said that it was ok.
Then, I was advise to get the children to my mother-in-law workplace. She gave me the idea, and at the end it worked. I was in my mother-in law's workplace at Cojutepeque. She works as a phycologist for those special and disable children in that place. The name of the school is Escuela de Educación Especial "General Adolfo Q. Blandon". She spoke with the head of the school to let me in and do this video. I spoke to her and she was deligheted to having me there and the other teachers were happy, too.
I was not sure if the activities I had in mind were going to work, specialy with Gerardo. He was more paying attention to the teenagers in the yard, who were in the jungle gym, so my mother in law helped me and also my boyfriend, in video you can hear a male's voice as well.
At the right side of the blog, there you have Mariel Abarca, she is 6 years old, she is preschool. She lives with her mother and father. Mariel's mother and brother live in their grandmother's house. Mariel and Gerardo's father works as a cameraman in a television network in San Salvador, so he does not spend quality time with his sons nor his wife. I was told that he only goes to Cojutepeque on Weekends. As far as I saw him with their kids, he is very nurturing and takes care of the two of them. They have had some family troubles, but they have dealt with them and they are pretty good so far.
Besides, Mariel likes to play with her girl friends and also with her brother. They do not play much outside their home, but they do it on the Weekends. She is able to write many words or phases, and I was told that she is learning to read as well, but I cannot prove it, I have not seen her doing it. As part of the education, she attends to a nearby private school in Cojutepeque, at the Montessori School. I was told that they implement the same integration of the ideal of working in groups, let the students be creative and they focus on giving the students freedom and interaction with materials and activities.
She is slim, is taller than her brother. She has long legs and arms. According to her age, she has the body complex she must have for her age. Her brain, according to the "Physical development in Early Childhood", has reached 90 percent of its adult volume. So that permits her to perform many intelectual activities, such as more reflection on thinking, ask questions, play, take objects, etc. I did not measure Mariel's height nor her weight, but we must remember that at this age girls are slightly smaller and lighter than boys.
Below, you will can see Gerardo Abarca. He is two years and three (this month he turned three) months old. He is very kind, active and energetic boy. He spends most of his time with his sister at home. His mother, Sara is not working she only goes to finish her community service at a hospital in order to finish properly her career, but in the afternoon, she takes care of the kids. In the morning, gradma and a housekeeper take care of them.
Gerardo is not three years old yet, so we can say that his brain has not reached the adult size brain. However, next year his brain will reach about three-quarters of its adult size. Mariel's brain has reach 95 percent of its adult volume. I said also, that the brain and the head grow more rapidly than any other part of the body, such as the head, the eyes and the brain than any other parts of the body. That is why, they seem to have big heads!
I am now conviced that Mariel's gross and fine motor skills are wide different than Gerardo. He presents less coordinated features, like for example, he cannot cut paper with his two fingers, he just grabbed the scissor with both hands. That was hilarious to see! He was so concentrated and committed to cut the paper. Also, he was able to open the glue and then I saw him close it without any problem. We captured him doing scribbles. As Kelloggs suggest in the first chapter, "Artistic Drawings", children at age two are able to scribble. They are drawing when they are 4 to 5 years. This means, in Gerardo's case that he is able to put the pencil in his hand; you saw him scribbling his family...there were circles, and dots. :) This is also part of his fine gross skills.
Gerardo's scribbles at two years of age |
Talking about Mariel's drawing in the video was portrayed her family. There you find out that she is in the Pictorial Stage, the fourth stage according to Kelloggs's studies. This demonstrate me that she can draw more in detail, she put details in her drawings and an adult can distinguish them easily.
Piaget's Preoperational Stage
The Intuitive Thought Substage
I asked Mariel the following question: What would you do if you were hit by a car?
She answered: "I would get appart (from the car) or I would run".
As I said in the video, she understand how that situation can be, but her ideas are still simple and lacks of more complex thought. On the contrary, an adult will respond so much different from a six year child, obviously. The point here to mention is that I wanted to prove that she was not able to answer the "What if..." as proposed in the Intuitive Thought Substage. They have difficulty understanding events that he knows are taking place but that he cannot see. Her thoughts bear little resemblace to reality, and in fact that was I wanted to prove.
Piaget stated that he called this substage intuitive because young children seem sure about their knowledge and understanding yet are unaware of hhow trhey know what hey know. That was surreal to experiment with Mariel! To sum, they know how to things are but know it without rational thinking!
Moreover, I prepared Mariel to respond to "The Planfulness of Attention Study" in the Information Processing approach. This generated gives information about how young children think and how theu thinking changes. This is important for teachers to get familiar with.
The study of the pair of houses, starts when I asked her to identify the differences of the houses. She told me right away that the B's houses were equal, she gave reasons why she thought of that and explained also that A's houses were different. According to chapter 9, it expresses that children's control of attention is still deficient:
*Salient versus relevant
I focus on the second one, it shows that in general young children's planning improves as part of advances in executive attention, so experimenters ask children to judge whether two complex pictures are the same, preschool tend to use other strategys, I mean they do not clearly see how is it different from one another, they do not examine the details before making a judgement. In contrast, the elementary-age children see systematically the details, and they use their eyes (scan) the windows in more detail ways, so their aswers ere more accurate. Mariel gave the differences in the windows. She was pointing where she saw a difference and gave them even names to the differences.
In the video I focus, well it caught my attention, how children play and what means to them to play. To adults, we only see them playing and that is all. Well, as the chapter 10 describes, "play is a plesurable activity that is engaged in for its own sake, and its functions and forms vary". Play increseases during childhood. The experts say play is healthy and even necessary to the children's development. It helps the child to channel his or her anxities and conflicts. As a child, I was always into my mom's pressure to cope with my homework, she told me that I was very lazy and I did not put much effort in my school, so what that has to do with play? When I encountered play outside I run sufficiently to be tired at night. I forgot my problems with my mom and I was free to do and act out with my dolls. I used to play with dolls, as Gerardo played with his dolls (those dolls were borrowed by another teacher at the school, so Gerardo can be quiet). He tried to get the intimate clothes of the doll to see if they were equal to him (Gender). He was so curios about that!!! He was discovering and interacting with the dolls, and as you see he was combing the hair, and getting them to the swings to continue playing. In that part we can observe him alone, not paying attention to anything else. That is what experts call "Solitary Play"; it occurs at two and three years old.
I think that maybe Gerardo also was in the "Pretense Play", when playing with dolls, maybe he was the father, cause he knows his mother combs his hair and he tried to do it, too. However, it is difficult to say it because he did not tell anything, he was quiet playing.
Mariel plays more with her barbies saying she is the doctor and Gerardo also pretends to be the patient, too.
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Pretense/Symbolic Pay They use objects in their play and pretend to be a character. |
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At two or three years old, kids love to play alone. (Social Play) |
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This type of symbolic play appears about 18 months adn reaches a peak at 4 to 5 years of age. |
Well, that is what I studied, according to chapters one, nine and ten. I really have a positive experience doing it also I liked very much to experience the results with Mariel and Gerardo. They are very different from each other and those differences make them unique. This was a nice and enriched experience that hopefully, will help me to be immersed in this ample and rich stage. Children need to be understood and we need to learn that they need our support but more importantly that we as educator can implement many things to get the best of them.
Hope you have learned a lot as I did!
Thank you for reading and watching my video!
Hello dear Ingrid:
ResponderEliminarI do like your analysis, but there is a special point that got my attention the most, and that I would like to share my experience regarding the same point. You mention in your entry that you asked your middle childhood-subject of study about the “what if question” to prove the Intuitive Thought Substage, and your results were effectively connected to the theory that says that kids at this stage have problems understanding events that can happen but they cannot see them. This is completely true because in my personal case, I asked my subject of study who is 7 years old the same “what if question” but with a different event. The question was, what would you do if someone hits you? He took a lot of time to answer, and when he found the answer he told me that would not know what to do, and no more explanation was given. I think that the question “what if” really confuses them, thus, this is why Jean Piaget said that kids are not ready for such a question since they cannot visualize the situation in the moment. As I final thought I would like to say that I do like Jean Piaget’s ideas about all preoperational and operational stages.
Hi Ingrid!!
ResponderEliminarIt was really nice to read your analysis because you focused and explained in many theories that are relevant for children’s development. I enjoyed reading it because it clearly explained all what you did and experimented in the video. Your study clearly shows the different changes that children experiment in the different stages. Something that called my attention is in the children’s psychosocial development because you mentioned that his father does not spend enough time with them. However, even he does not spend a lot of time with his father, the toddler is acting just as a 2 year old boy would do it. In addition, he already recognizes between some gender differences. For example, when he is getting out the clothes of the dolls, he is so curious to know if the dolls are like him. At this age children have not enough understanding about gender roles, so they do not care too much about playing with same sex groups or with opposite sex groups, and also they do not the toys they use for having fun, so that is why Gerardo does not reject to play with the dolls. On the other hand, I can see that Mariel already shows gender preferences. For example, she likes to play games for girls. Nevertheless, according to what you said that they go out on weekends, I can deduct that she does not spend her majority of time with same sex playmates when at this age they are influenced to interact more with peers of their own sex, so this theory does not work at all not only with this girl but also with most of children that experiment the same condition. I believe this because I do not have any sister, so I spent my whole childhood rounded by boys because I did go out too much. Thus, during my early childhood, I showed more preference for playing with boys because of the environment in which I lived, and that is why I think that this gender theory does not work with all children.