
domingo, 13 de octubre de 2013

Iliana and Juan Carlos's class: My body

Week 5

Iliana and Jc's turn and the last class came finally!! :D 

Warm up and Presentation

 The class was about the parts of the body! I came late to the class, and most of the class had begun :( but I hearded that the begining of the class was terrific!! The students sang the "How are you today"song very enthusiastically along with the teachers! The song was the same, but yesterday I did not know if they used the video-song. The fact that they were more enthusiastic than the rest of us in previous classes, and they were all moving around! 


Then, the next thing I saw is that Iliana was using two different flashcards with the "Yes, I do and No, I don't!" and she was asking them if they had three mouths, hands, heads, eyes, ears, nose, etc. They had to respond according to what they had in the page Ileana gave them. They actually responded, but with a bit of difficulty. Though, they actually had fun and with the page and they responded. 
I liked very much the Jc activity in which they had to roll the dice and a number and color was shown. In the wall the numbers and colored pages were pasted  and according to the number and color they had to go and unstick the paper. The paper showed a picture and then Jc asked them: What is this? I thought that the students were not going to be able to say the answer of the picture, but they did. All the students had the chance to at least roll the dice 
twice and discovered more items under the numbers. 

I did not agree with the directions Jc gave when he gave the students a ball and said: "Put the ball behind your arm". I did not like because I think that not everybody was able to do it, I think this instruction is complicated to understand and is complex. But and instruction like: "Put the ball on your head", would suit the activity. 

The Simon says activity was very good managed and speaking of discipline I think that Jc controled the ones that were misbehaving and by doing this the activity could continue. They liked it, but then he felt that they were kind of bored doing the same, so he speed up the activity. 
King Simon  and Jc

I liked the part in which Jc sang with the children and he shake the different parts of the body. All the children were very happy to sing and they were not shy to move around with Jc. This gave them the opportunity to review the target vocabulary and more importantly, Jc could noticed that most of vocabulary was remembered and internalized by the children. Both were very energetic and managed the class so nice! Jc needed Iliana's help along the class. We disscussed that this is not good for him, because at the end of this he and everybody else will be alone giving classes. I know that he and most of the classmates had not had much experience in this field, but it is better to know that we failed, but we can then learn experience from this and put our best to succed next time of teaching. 

Time to end English Class!! 

Chatting  after a long day!


Snack time! 

Imelda's development!!!

Following up my case of study, I think that when she is working in the activities, she works and follows the instructions. She is able to work in groups or individually. She liked very much to move and even thought she does not sing like every word of the last song, she follows the river of singing!! At the first contact of English she had, she told me that she was not undestanding anything the teacher Luis and Gloria said! I saw her very frighthen and not willing to participate. I just saw that she is very shy to participate actively, thus it is simply important that when the teacher wanted Imelda to participate, the technique is to call her by the name. This way, they wake up and know that we want their cooperation or attention in the activity. 

4 comentarios:

  1. Hi dear Ingrid!!

    You know it is really interesting to look at your case of study’s development due to the fact that as she is the youngest in the whole group, she still misses to develop the same speed that most of the children have to do the tasks. However, I consider that even she is in disadvantage with her speed, she is very smart and she tries to do the tasks without feeling intimidated to get involved in the class. I have noticed that even when she looks like lost in the class most of the times she understands what is happening because when some of us ask her because she is distracted, most of the time she is really aware of everything at least that you are not being clear and any student can understand you. I really admire her because of that capacity that she has to be aware even when we may think that she is not in the class. Also, even though she is a six year old, she has developed her developmental areas in a surprisingly way, so I consider her to be a very clever girl.


  2. Yeah, Mercy! I have my own thoughts about her, too. She seems like lost, but she is really aware of what is happenig around her, so that is so surprising. I like the fact that she works for her, not for the rest of the class. She does not like to get too much attention. In fact, I consider her as a introvertive student who likes to enjoy her work by herself. So, we have to remember that all these elements play an important role in a class.

    See you!

  3. Ingrid, I wonder if you have seen any changes in Imelda's attitude. Have you asked her how she feels after this five lesson? Have her relatives told you whether she has shown any reluctance to attend classes?


  4. Hello, Ingrid I like your post and I hope you can take your comments as own and can learn from my mistakes, I hope you will do better job next class, you need to be more free to feel part of the class you can do it.thanks for your comments and I will take it into count. thanks for help me to grow up on my teaching practicum.
